The law of attraction - is this the whole story?
You may have heard of the Law of Attraction, a concept that infers from that that attracts equals. But what does this mean? To me, it means that if you want something (and you do something to manifest it) wholeheartedly, there's a good chance you'll get it.
But does the concept really work?
As a Life Coach, I am enthusiastic about thinking ahead and working on what I call 'ideals'. An ideal is just something positive that you want to make happen - it's a vision, a mission, a goal, a goal.
A few years ago I compiled a sheet of paper with my general life goal, my vision, my goals and a list of projects that resulted from those goals. Everything I wrote down came from deep within me and had been an integral part of me for years.
I've looked at that sheet of paper almost daily since I compiled it without thinking too much about how things would manifest on the sheet.
The reason why I refer to the magazine so often is simply because it makes me feel good. It guides me and stimulates me in a positive way. In short, it represents everything I want to manifest in my life.
More recently, I attended a meeting with some colleagues and we were talking about developing a business. During the discussions I realized that much of what we were talking about resembled what was on my magazine.
Upon returning home I looked at the sheet and laughed. Almost everything that I had written down was in the meeting. This did not happen because I pushed my own agenda. It happened of course, because we all had the same mentality with similar ambitions and wanted to achieve similar life and business goals ... such as attracting like.
I have now realized that everything I have pursued can come to fruition as standard if our company is successful.
So does this attraction concept really work? Yes, I think so!
Now you could say that nothing that I have released there has come true so far. This is true. However, the meeting showed me that things are already starting to shift.
If I had not made this sheet, I doubt that the meeting would have been the same in that meeting. I might have been easier led by the others around the table because I had no real perspective.
By clearly articulating my goal, vision, goals and projects and referring to them daily, my subconscious already recognizes opportunities that help to make this reality. That meeting (and the subsequent idea of the company) is one of those opportunities.
However, I believe that there are a number of reservations for the concept:
Windows of Opportunity
As soon as you have clearly and specifically determined where you want to go, opportunities start opening up for you. It is up to you to seize those opportunities and immediately take the necessary action to achieve your goals. Otherwise, those windows eventually close and the opportunity is lost.
Letting go
I also believe that an important element is that you let go of the outcome. Be OK with achieving your goals and ambitions, and with not achieving them. This is because, in my opinion, getting desperate about your performance drives them away. If you take it more relaxed, you increase the chance that you will reach them. For me it is also about acknowledging that your aspirations do not always manifest themselves in the way you present them - and that you are OK with this.
It gives time
I also think it is important to give yourself the time you need to manifest your ideal. Specific time phases focus and reconcile you into action. However, if these time frames are not realistic, they can have the opposite effect. You may feel that if you have not achieved your goal within the time frame that you have set yourself that you have failed in one way or another.
Allowing yourself the time to mature with your vision and to become the kind of person who can make it happen can increase your chances of success.
So yes, I believe the law of attraction works as:
· You are clear and specific about exactly what you want
· Your focus daily on what you want
· You make optimal use of the opportunities that present themselves and do the work that is needed
· You let go of despair and ...
· You give it time
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Take a look at this video from my friend Heather. She has overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles to live her dream life, inspiring others, traveling, attracting wealth, a great relationship and being happy.
Watch this video, be inspired and NEVER let any obstacles prevent you from loving and enjoying your incredible life… No excuses:
==> Go here to watch the video
Kind regards,
Andrew Rusbatch